In the world of Gielinor, you can find plenty of creatures and monsters to slay. Combat plays a considerable role in OSRS since it lets adventurers kill enemies to acquire premium loot. This version of the game was opened solely for nostalgic purposes, which brought back veteran players along with new gamers who wanted to know what RuneScape was like in 2007.
Therefore, most players by now might have forgotten what there is to do in OSRS. The Kalphite Lair is perhaps one of the most nostalgic locations in OSRS because of the unique layout, enemies, and the Kalphite Queen boss. Players will know this location by receiving Slayer Tasks or grinding for the Dragon Chainbody from the queen. Today, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about this location, from the enemies to strategies for killing the Kalphite Queen.
What Is The Kalphite Lair?
The Kalphite location is a bunch of connecting tunnels and caverns East of Shantay Pass. The caves house Kalphites that can only be killed while on a Slayer task. However, players can still enter the area, but if they try to attack a Kalphite, Buggie will interrupt and stop them from doing so.
Inside the lair, you’ll find different types of Kalphites: workers, soldiers, and guardians. They are brilliant for money-making because of the rune armour and herb drops. Furthermore, at the centre of the lair lives the Kalphite Queen. She is a terrifying boss that requires skill and determination to kill. The queen can drop a variety of rare items that can be sold for a huge profit.
Training Slayer At Kalphites
Kalphites will be assigned to adventurers at level 15 combat by all Slayer Masters. This is because the Kalphites vary in level, which makes them assignable to lower-leveled characters. Kalphites can be found in 2 locations: Kalphite Lair and the Kalphite Cave. However, players can only kill Kalphites in the cave with an active Slayer task.
Experience Per Kill:
- Kalphite Worker – 40 Slayer Experience
- Kalphite Soldier – 90 Slayer Experience
- Kalphite Guardian – 170 Slayer Experience
- Kalphite Queen – 535.5 Slayer Experience
Kalphite Locations
Kalphites can be found in 2 locations in the Kharidian Desert. This is how to get there and the best method of transportation:
Kalphite Lair:
The Kalphite Lair can be found Northeastern of the Bedabin Camp. Adventurers will need to bring 2 ropes for this location—one to get inside the lair and another to reach the Kalphite Queen. Players will need to bring ropes every time they visit this location. However, after completing the hard desert diary, players will no longer need to bring ropes to gain access to the lair.
Also, a crevice shortcut by the entrance requires level 86 Agility and completion of the elite desert diary, which will bring players much closer to the queen’s lair. The first level of the lair contains many Kalphite Workers and Soldiers. The second level contains the Kalphite Queen with 2 Kalphite Guardians protecting the entrance to the boss.
Kalphite Cave:
The Kalphite Cave is located East of Shantay Pass. The best method to get there is to use an Al Kharid teleport and run from where you spawn. Inside the cave are Kalphite Workers, Soldiers, and Guardians. Only adventurers with Slayer tasks can harm the creatures. If players attempt to attack the Kalphites, Buggie will stop them by claiming they are not assigned. Also, this location prevents damage from the desert heat, which means waterskins are not needed.
The layout of the cave is very straightforward:
- North – Kalphite Soldiers
- East – Kalphite Workers
- South East – Kalphite Soldiers
- South West – Kalphite Guardians
- North West – Kalphite Workers
The Different Types Of Kalphites
During your expedition of the Kalphite Cave or Lair, you’ll encounter a variety of enemies to kill. The Kalphites vary in level, Hitpoints, and combat stats. They can be extremely difficult to kill without the right step. Kalphites are bug-like creatures, which means melee crush attacks perform the most DPS against them. Also, they have good resistance against Ranged and magical attacks. Therefore, we strongly recommended using a melee setup instead of the other combat styles.
Kalphite Worker – Level 28
Kalphite workers are drones that serve the Kalphite Queen. They can be found throughout the lair as they are making tunnels and space for the queen to place her eggs. They cannot poison players like the soldier and guardian Kalphites, making them an easier target to kill.
Combat Stats:
- Level 40 Hitpoints
- Level 20 Attack
- Level 20 Strength
- Level 1 Magic
- Level 1 Ranged
Defensive Stats:
- +5 Stab
- +5 Slash
- +1 Crush
- +10 Magic
- +10 Ranged
Best Drops From Kalphite Workers:
- Loop Half of Key
- Tooth Half of Key
- Shield Left Half
- Dragon Spear
- Ensouled Kalphite Head
- Brimstone Key
Recommended Setup:
- Head – Helm of Neitiznot
- Chest – Fighter Torso
- Legs – Obsidian Platelegs
- Feet – Dragon Boots
- Ring – Berserker Ring (i)
- Cape – Fire Cape
- Neck – Amulet of Torture
- Weapon – Granite Maul
- Best Food Available
Kalphite Soldier – Level 85
Kalphite Soldiers are far more dangerous than Kalphite Workers because they can inflict poison starting at 4 HP damage. The soldiers are in a multi-combat area, which means numerous of them can attack at once. Therefore, fighting them is recommended with a dwarf cannon and high-tier gear. Also, players can safe-spot the soldiers in the Eastern corner to eliminate the need to bring food.
Combat Stats:
- Level 90 Hitpoints
- Level 70 Attack
- Level 70 Strength
- Level 70 Defense
- Level 1 Magic
- Level 1 Ranged
Defensive Stats:
- +25 Stab
- +25 Slash
- +5 Crush
- +50 Magic
- +50 Ranged
Best Drops From Kalphite Soldiers:
- Loop Half of Key
- Tooth Half of Key
- Shield Left Half
- Dragon Spear
- Ensouled Kalphite Head
- Brimstone Key
Recommended Setup:
- Head – Serpentine Helm
- Chest – Bandos Chestplate
- Legs – Bandos Tassets
- Feet – Primordial Boots
- Ring – Berserker Ring (i)
- Cape – Infernal Cape
- Neck – Amulet of Torture
- Weapon – Elder Maul
- Best Food Available
- Anti-Poison
Kalphite Guardian – Level 141
Kalphite Guardians are the 2nd most powerful enemies inside the lair behind the Kalphite Queen. They have a combat level of 141 and can max hit 12 HP. The Kalphites can inflict poison that can deal up to 6 damage, so we recommend bringing anti-poison when fighting them. There are Ranged safe spots behind the pillars, where the 4×4 size Kalphite Guardians won’t reach you.
Combat Stats:
- Level 170 Hitpoints
- Level 110 Attack
- Level 110 Strength
- Level 110 Defense
- Level 1 Magic
- Level 1 Ranged
Defensive Stats:
- +25 Stab
- +25 Slash
- +5 Crush
- +50 Magic
- +50 Ranged
Best Drops From Kalphite Guardian:
- Dragon Med Helm
- Shield Left Half
- Dragon Spear
- Ensouled Kalphite Head
- Brimstone Key
Recommended Setup:
- Head – Serpentine Helm
- Chest – Bandos Chestplate
- Legs – Bandos Tassets
- Feet – Primordial Boots
- Ring – Berserker Ring (i)
- Cape – Infernal Cape
- Neck – Amulet of Torture
- Weapon – Abyssal Bludgeon
- Off-hand – Avernic Defender
- Best Food Available
- Anti-Poison
Kalphite Queen – Level 333
The Kalphite Queen is the strongest of all the Kalphite creatures. Along with Dust Devils and Smoke Devils, the queen is notable for dropping the Dragon chainbody. The queen can inflict a large amount of damage, reaching 31 HP. The Kalphite Queen is highly aggressive and is recommended for those who are skilled in PVM combat.
The Kalphite Queen will inflict large amounts of damage with her Ranged and Magical attacks as they are always a successful hit. Furthermore, the boss has 2 phases, which makes her extremely difficult to kill. Also, Killing her is required to complete the hard desert diary, and talking to her mounted head is required to complete the elite desert diary.
Combat Stats:
- Level 255 Hitpoints
- Level 300 Attack
- Level 300 Strength
- Level 300 Defense
- Level 150 Magic
- Level 1 Ranged
Defensive Stats:
- +50 Stab
- +50 Slash
- +10 Crush
- +100 Magic
- +100 Ranged
Best Drops From Kalphite Queen:
- Dragon Chainbody
- Dragon 2H Sword
- Dragon Med Helm
- Shield Left Half
- Dragon Spear
- Kalphite Queen Head (Tattered)
- Ensouled Kalphite Head
- Kalphite Queen Head
- Jar of Sand
- Kalphite Princess
Recommended Setup:
- Head – Serpentine Helm
- Chest – Bandos Chestplate
- Legs – Bandos Tassets
- Feet – Primordial Boots
- Ring – Berserker Ring (i)
- Cape – Infernal Cape
- Neck – Amulet of Torture
- Weapon – Abyssal Bludgeon
- Off-hand – Avernic Defender
- Best Food Available
- Anti-Poison
How To Slay The Kalphite Queen
The Kalphite Queen has a total of 510 Hitpoints, divided into 2 phases. Her magical and Ranged attacks are both 100% accurate. However, her melee attacks do not share these unique mechanics. Also, unlike the Kalphite Guardians and Soldiers, her melee attacks will not inflict poison.
There are 2 phases during the battle, which makes her a tedious boss to kill. The queen’s grounded form will use Protect from Magic and Protect from Missiles. The resistance only adds bonus defensive stats and does not grant immunity to those attack styles. Therefore you can use different combat styles, but melee is overall the best method to fight this boss.
The First Phase
During the first phase using Protect from Magic is highly recommended to negate the damage from the 100% accuracy attacks. Also, Piety is a great Prayer to boost your DPS and speed up kills. Make sure to keep yourself above 75% HP and pot when needed. After defeating her in the first phase, run under the queen and heal up.
Best Setup For High DPS:
- Head – Inquisitor’s Great Helm
- Chest – Inquisitor’s Hauberk
- Legs – Inquisitor’s Plateskirt
- Hands – Ferocious Gloves
- Feet – Primordial Boots
- Ring – Berserker Ring (i)
- Cape – Infernal Cape
- Neck – Amulet of Torture
- Weapon – Scythe of Vitur
- Rada’s Blessing 4
- Best Food Available
- Anti-Poison
The Second Phase
During the second phase, it doesn’t matter if you use Protect from Missiles or Protect from Magic. We recommend using Protect from Magic in case another player crashes your session. As soon as this phase begins, players should run directly beneath her because otherwise, she will get the first attack.
She can only be attacked with either magical and Ranged attacks since she will be flying, and melee attacks will not reach her. Using Eagle Eye or Rigour is strongly recommended to boosts stats and complete this phase faster.
Best Setup For High DPS:
- Head – Armadyl Helmet
- Chest – Armadyl Chestplate
- Legs – Armadyl Chainskirt
- Hands – Barrows Gloves
- Feet – Pegasian Boots
- Ring – Ring of Suffering (i)
- Cape – Ava’s Assembler
- Neck – Amulet of Anguish
- Weapon – Toxic Blowpipe
- Rada’s Blessing 4
- Best Food Available
- Anti-Poison
Overall, the Kalphite Queen doesn’t have difficult mechanics to learn and is great for those getting into PVM. Make sure to keep yourself near max HP in case she max hits you. The recommended stats to fight the Kalphite Queen are:
- Level 75 Strength
- Level 75 Attack
- Level 75 Defense
- Level 75 Ranged
- Level +43 Prayer
Question: What Are The Most Profitable Bosses?
Answer: OSRS features an abundance of bosses, which are killed to achieve diary tasks, loot, and acquire new weapon upgrades. They are an important factor in the game because it makes the end-game content so much fun. These bosses provide the most GP per kill:
♦ The Nightmare Of Ashihama: The Nightmare is a newer boss in OSRS. Up to 80 players can kill it at once, but we recommend a party of 4. The armours and weapons dropped can sell for +100 mill, which makes the boss highly profitable. The best drop is the Harmonised Orb, worth over 900 million GP.
♦ Theatre Of Blood: Ran by the tyrannical Vampyres of Meiyerditch, the Theatre of Blood is a large combat arena. Players can test their skills by slaying a variety of creatures. The bost drops from this location are:
– Sanguinesti Staff – 70 Million GP
– Ghrazi Rapier – 110 Million GP
– Scythe of Vitur – 600 Million GP
♦ Alchemical Hydra: The Alchemical Hydra is a Slayer boss located on the lowest level inside the Mount Karuulm Slayer Dungeon. The boss can drop a Hydra claw, which is worth 50 million GP.
Question: What Are The Best Slayer Creatures?
♦ Greater Nechryaels: These creatures require level 80 Slayer to kill and can be found in the Catacombs of Kourend. They can net around +1m GP per hour while on a task. They can commonly drop rune weaponry and armour, so bring supplies for high alching.
♦ Skeletal Wyvern: Skeletal Wyverns are some of the most popular creatures to kill because they can drop various rare items that can be sold for a huge profit. They require level 72 Slayer to kill and an elemental shield to counter their icy breath.
♦ Gargoyle: Killing Gargoyles require level 75 Slayer to kill. They can be found in the Slayer Tower, East of Mort’ton. Gargoyles will often drop various rune items that can be high alched or sold at the GE. These creatures are brilliant money-makers bringing in +1m per hour.
♦ Kurasks: Killing Kurasks can only be done with a leaf-bladed weapon or broad bolts. They don’t deal a lot of damage, which means you won’t need to bring expensive food. Kurasks can drop a leaf-bladed sword and axe that are sold for approximately 40-50k GP. They are great for getting decent Slayer XP rates.
♦ Brutal Black Dragons: These monsters can be found in the Catacombs of Kourend. They require level 77 Slayer to kill and can provide up to +1m GP per hour. The best method of killing them is with a high-tier Ranged setup.
Answer: Slayer is one of the best skills in OSRS because it will take players on a journey all around Gielinor. The skill will make players kill monsters that are not perceived as good money-makers or have great XP rates. However, this means adventurers will visit locations they wouldn’t think to visit. Therefore, Slayer can improve the PVM experience for all players. At the later levels, players will gain access to more difficult monsters that can drop premium loot.
Question: What Are The Best Weapons For Bossing?
Answer: Killing bosses bring a wide variety of rewards for players. Depending on the boss, they can be extremely difficult to slay. Therefore, using the best weapon to achieve high DPS is necessary. These weapons are the best to use in OSRS bossing activities:
♦ Abyssal Bludgeon: This is a deadly 2-handed crush weapon the is obtained from The Overseer. It requires a Bludgeon Axon, Bludgeon Claw, and the Bludgeon Spine to create. On average, players will need to get at least 500 Overseer kills to obtain all the components to make the sword.
♦ Ghrazi Rapier: The Ghrazi Rapier requires level 75 Attack to wield. It has the best slash stats out of all the weapons in OSRS. The attack speed is extremely fast, which makes it have amazing DPS.
♦ Toxic Blowpipe: The Toxic Blowpipe has the best attack speed out of all Ranged weapons. Also, it provides the most DPS against bosses, other players, and monsters. The weapon will inflict poison even if you don’t have poison ammunition. The Toxic Blowpipe requires Zulrah scales and darts to charge.
♦ Kodai Wand: The best magical weapon is the Kodai wand because it gives an attack bonus of +28, Defense of +20, and increased damage output by +15%. The wand will provide unlimited uses of water runes, which makes it great for casting expensive high-tier spells.
That concludes our OSRS Kalphite guide. We’ve discussed how to get to their lair and cave with the best method of transportation. Also, you now know what to expect from the creatures within and how to prepare. One of the most iconic bosses in OSRS is the Kalphite Queen, which drops a variety of expensive loot. Try this location out and see for yourself how fun it is!
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