Hitpoints are critical for your survival while in combat. But you will more than likely have to complete your hitpoints training through combat if you wish to get closer to level 99.
This guide will help you review how you can build your hitpoints skill and receive enough points to help you survive various battles. You will see what you can do when using melee, ranged, or magic combat to raise your hitpoint’s skill level. You will also find a few ways how you can train for hitpoints without engaging in combat.
The methods you’ll use for building hitpoints will vary based on whether you’re using the F2P and P2P versions of OSRS. This guide covers both of these methods for each fighting style. These methods involve needing different pieces of equipment, plus you have to plan for specific enemies.
Why Train Hitpoints?
Hitpoints training is vital for your success when playing in OSRS. Your hitpoints total represents the maximum amount of health your character holds. You’ll require enough hitpoints to survive various fights with some of the strongest enemies in the game. You may also feel more confident in completing your battles when you have enough hitpoints.
You can tell how many hit points you have left by reviewing your player profile. You can also notice the small bar above you while fighting. The green part of a bar shows how many hitpoints you have, and the red part displays how many points are missing.
You can restore your lost hitpoints in many ways, including through natural regeneration, food consumption, the use of blood spells, or by asking some NPCs to heal you. You could also restore all those points by dying, although it is best if you’ve banked your items and want to get somewhere near your respawn point.
You’ll have more hitpoints if your level is high enough. But you will likely have to engage in combat to boost that level.
How Does Fighting Cause Your Hitpoints To Increase?
You will earn hitpoints experience whenever you deal damage in combat. You will earn 1.33 XP to your hitpoints level for every hitpoint of damage you inflict on an enemy. You could potentially earn fewer XP from enemies if they are capable of regenerating.
What Equipment Do You Need For Boosting Your Hitpoints Level?
Since you’ll compete in combat to boost your hitpoints level, you’ll require plenty of equipment that can help you with combat-related activities. There are many things you can use to help you boost your level, although the items you require will vary based on the combat form you’ll manage.
These items are useful for all F2P and P2P players.
- Scimitar: A scimitar is a useful slash weapon that can also work as a stab weapon.
- Boots: Leather boots are suitable if you haven’t reached the Stronghold of Security. You can use Fighting or Fancy boots if you have reached the Stronghold and received either of these boots there.
- Cape: A colored cape is ideal.
- Armor: The armor type you need will vary based on the enemy you will fight. Full armor is best against monsters that use melee attacks, while ranged armor works for monsters that fight with magic. You can also use a chainbody armor set if you fight a monster that produces crush damage.
- Amulet of Power: This amulet provides more accurate hits and adds a small defense bonus.
- Bow: A shortbow is best, as it shoots faster. A longbow can shoot further, but it takes longer to fire. A crossbow is ideal for one-handed shooting.
- Armor: Wear ranged armor for the best results. Ranged armor improves accuracy with ranged attacks.
- Ammunition: Bronze and iron arrows are useful for all bows except for the training bow. You can upgrade to the steel arrow after a while, but you must have an oak bow or stronger to use the steel arrow. The most experienced players can use the mithril or adamant arrow, but the mithril arrow requires a willow bow or stronger. Adamant arrows only work with the maple bow.
Ranged Attack Styles
You’ll also need to select a specific attack style when using ranged weapons. You can use one of three attack styles here:
- Accurate – You will get a +3 Ranged level boost, plus you’ll have an easier time producing accurate shots.
- Rapid – Rapid attacks increase your attack speed by one tick, meaning the attack comes 0.6 seconds faster.
- Longrange – Longrange attacks produce a +3 Defense boost and increase the attack range by two squares.
- Strike Spells: Strike spells are useful at the start, although they are the weakest of the combat spells you can use. You can pick up more powerful attack spells as you progress through the game.
- Bolt Spells: You can use elemental staves to handle the costs of these spells.
- Blast Spells: You will require additional elemental staves and a Magic rating of 41 or greater to use these stronger attack spells.
- Magic Armor: Your magic armor set can feature a wizard hat, an amulet of magic or power, an elemental staff, a wizard robe, leather boots, and an anti-dragon shield.
Gaining Runes
You’ll require plenty of runes before you use your magic spells. Many spells need one rune, although some could need as many as four of them at once.
You can acquire your runes through a runecrafting altar or by killing monsters that drop runes. You can also purchase runs from a shop or another player, although the costs for these runes will vary by item.
F2P Melee Training
The following is a look at some of the creatures you should fight in melee combat when training under the F2P version of the game. Some of them are found in specific areas, while you may require specific bits of equipment if you wish to succeed. The monsters to fight are spread out based on your current hitpoints level.
You’ll have an easier time gaining more hitpoints experience when you fight more powerful monsters. But the level of melee experience you hold should dictate the specific monsters you’ll fight. Here are some monsters to consider based on whatever melee level you hold in the F2P game.
Levels 1-10
The enemies you will attack will become stronger as you progress. The earliest ones work well when the requirements to move up a level aren’t as high.
- Chickens: Chickens are good to attack if you need to collect feathers.
- Monks: You will find monks at the Edgeville Monastery. They can heal themselves while in combat, giving you extra XP during your fights.
- Seagulls: Seagulls can be found at Port Sarim ports.
- Giant Rats: Giant rates typically appear in swamp and sewer areas. These rats will drop raw meat you can cook for cooking XP and to heal your hitpoints.
- Goblins: These monsters appear in various spots around the game and are easy to fight. They are mostly non-aggressive, as they are too weak for most combat situations. But some may still attempt to strike back.
Levels 11-30
- Al-Kharid warriors: You can find these warriors at Al Kharid Palace in the eastern and western rooms. These guards will automatically attack you after you start attacking one of them. Be sure you have a useful slashing weapon and that you wear a plate body when fighting.
- Barbarians: These fighters are in Barbarian Village west of Varrock. These fighters have a weak defense.
- Giant Frogs: These appear in Lumbridge Swamp and have low defense ratings. They also do little damage. They also drop big bones for prayer experience, but you can sell them for a decent profit if you prefer.
Levels 31-50
- Hill Giants: Hill giants are in the Edgeville Dungeon. They have low defense levels, and they drop giant keys that help you find the Obor boss when your level is high enough. Wear chainbody armor when fighting, as these giants use crush attacks.
- Flesh Crawlers: There are in the second level of the Stronghold of Security.
- Hobgoblins: Hobgoblins are stronger than regular goblins.
- Zombies: Zombies also appear on the second level of the Stronghold of Security. They can drop gems, plus they are aggressive to players up to twice their combat level.
Levels 51-70
- Giant Spider: The giant spider is in the third level of the Stronghold of Security. A defense rating of 70 or greater is recommended. You’ll require a few strength potions and enough food in your inventory to survive an attack from the spider. The spider is always aggressive, but the aggression can end in about ten minutes on average. You can attack the spider when it is no longer aggressive for the best results.
- Moss Giants: Moss giants appear in the Varrock Sewers and Crandor. A slash weapon is necessary to gain access to the giants. These giants are slow to attack and have a weak defense level, but their attacks are accurate. Players with a combat level below 84 will likely be targeted by multiple giants at once.
Levels 71-99
- Ogress Warriors: Ogress warriors in the Corsair Cove Dungeon will drop top-rate loot, but they have high defense and attack levels. Bring enough strength potions, and use a protect from melee prayer if possible. You can also bring a chisel to help you find any of the special gems the warrior might leave.
P2P Melee Training
You’ll have an easier time completing your P2P melee training efforts if you boost your strength level. A player with a higher strength level will produce more damage against one’s opponents during melee attacks. It also helps improve burst damage, making it easier for you to kill other players before they can try and heal themselves.
Levels 1-10
You can fight against chickens in the earliest stages of the game when you don’t have enough melee experience.
Levels 11-30
- Rock Crabs: These crabs appear on Waterbirth Island. They have high health totals and low defense and attack levels, making them useful for fights and boosting your hitpoints level.
- Experiments: An experiment is in the Experiment Cave and has high health and low defense and attack levels. But these creatures will not drop as many items as you wish.
- Men and Women: Human NPCs can drop herbs.
- Al-Kharid Warrior: Warriors are often crowded and are aggressive to where many in one group will start attacking you if you start fighting one of them.
Levels 31-60
- Chaos Druid: The chaos druid is in the Edgeville Dungeon. It drops mithril bolts and herbs, but it can deal plenty of damage if your level is too low.
- Moss Giant: Moss giants can appear in the Varrock Sewers. Be sure you have enough defense and armor to fight them.
Levels 61-90
- Green Dragon: A green dragon will drop dragon bones and a green dragonhide upon defeat. You’ll require an anti-dragon shield when fighting one.
- Slayer: The slayer lets you train your strength, hitpoints, and slayer skills. But not all slayers can be killed with melee attacks. Some slayer spots can also be crowded.
- Gargoyle: You can find a gargoyle at a slayer tower. But the gargoyle has a high defense level and requires a 75 slayer level to defeat.
Levels 91-99
- Rune Dragon: The rune dragon is the most powerful non-boss creature you can kill with a melee attack. Keep your health above 60 when fighting to avoid dying from a combined ranged and melee attack.
F2P Ranged Training
Ranged attacks can also help you gain hitpoints experience. But the specific ranged attacks you complete and the monsters you will fight should vary surrounding your current ranged level.
Levels 1-30
Start your training by using an accurate fighting style. The +3 Ranged bonus gives you a higher maximum hit total with whatever arrows you use.
Some of the monsters to train on when at the early stages include:
- Monks
- Goblins
- Chickens
- Barbarians
- Giant frogs
You can also fight either wizards or dark wizards at this point. Wizards can drop plenty of runes you can use for magic training. You can find wizards in Draynor Village or Delrith’s circle near Varrock.
Levels 31-60
Start using rapid shots after you reach level 31. Rapid shots will provide more damage per second at this point. The extra maximum hit damage you get from an accurate shot will also be less useful as you compete against monsters with higher hitpoints.
Some of the monsters to fight at this point include:
- Flesh crawlers
- Moss giants
- Hill giants
- Giant spiders
Levels 61-99
You can start fighting stronger monsters at this point. Some of the monsters that are suitable for training purposes include:
- Ogress – An ogress has a higher defense, but they are easy to damage if you have mithril or adamant arrows. You can also use nature runes and a staff of fire if you have a magic rating of 55 or greater. Ogresses are in the Corsair Cove Dungeon.
- Lesser Demon – A lesser demon in Crandor or Karamja is easy to attack from a distance if you can time and plan your sprints well. The lesser demons you fight will become more tolerant of you after about ten minutes, giving you an easier chance to pick up their drops without being damaged.
- Ankou – The Ankou are in the fourth level of the Stronghold of Security and the Forgotten Cemetery. The Anoku that level 75 or under will have weaker defenses than others.
P2P Ranged Training
Levels 1-50
The best way to train for hit points at the start is to use a dwarf multi cannon. You’ll need to complete the Dwarf Cannon quest to use the multi cannon. The cannon makes it easier for you to attack ogres, ice trolls, and other enemies that might congregate in some spots. But watch for the rules for some areas, as the multi cannon isn’t accepted in some spots.
Some of the monsters to go after at this stage include the following:
- Minotaurs at the Stronghold of Security
- Wolves
- Ogres
- Flesh Crawlers
- Hill Giants
- Green Dragons
- Fire Giants
- Experiments
- Yaks; you can find them on Neitiznot
- Rock Crabs; these are in Rellekka
Levels 51-80
You can fight these monsters when you gain more experience:
- Ankou
- Ammonite Crabs on Fossil Island
- TzHaar in Mor Ul Rek; a rune crossbow with broad bolts is recommended
Levels 81-99
You can use chinchompas to attack skeletons in the Ape Atoll Dungeon, but be sure you have enough healing items. You will lose your chinchompas if you die during a fight.
You can also use a blowpipe to target some of the more powerful enemies at this level. A blowpipe can introduce venom to the enemy’s body.
F2P Magic Training
Levels 1-20
Start your hitpoints training with strike spells. You can cast these spells on various weak enemies. The Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth Strike spells are suitable at this point.
Levels 21-40
You will get access to more strike, bolt, and blast spells at this point. You can use the Wind Bolt spell to produce more damage. Your spells will be more effective against hill giants, Al-Kharid warriors, lesser demons, and hobgoblins.
The Telekinetic Grab spell will open at level 33. You can use this to pick up items from a distance, making it easier for you to fight various monsters. You can grab items protected by many monsters without potentially being harmed when you use the spell.
Levels 41-99
The training process will involve fighting moss giants, Ankou, flesh crawlers, and ogress warriors. You can also use the High Level Alchemy spell to convert items into coins so that you can purchase more valuable weapons for added hitpoints training support.
P2P Magic Training
Levels 1-40
The early stages of building hitpoints through magic combat should mostly involve fighting crabs. You can use Fire Strike to attack large groups of crabs without using as much money on the training process. You can also use splashing combat spells on different enemies if possible.
Other creatures that congregate in groups and are useful for spells include flesh crawlers, lesser demons, and hill giants.
Levels 41-99
Most forms of P2P magic training focus on building your magic skills and don’t relate to building your hitpoints. But some of the methods you can use may help you acquire weapons and other items that make it easier for you to attack more powerful monsters and gain hitpoints experience:
- Superheat: The Superheat spell lets you melt items to create bars you can sell for currency.
- High Level Alchemy: The spell converts items into coins, but you’ll earn more coins if the item you convert is rare.
- Tan Leather: This spell lets you tan up to five hides, giving you a more durable piece of armor for fights.
Magic-based attacks like Ice Burst and Ice Barrage can also work, but they are among the most expensive spells you can cast. You’ll require extra runs to get these to work.
Quests You Can Complete
You can gain more hitpoints experience by completing various quests throughout the game. These quests will bring you near some of the various enemies that will give you more hitpoints experience, while some require you to defeat specific enemies.
Some of the quests to complete include these:
- A Soul’s Bane
- In Search of the Myreque; you will need to defeat a skeleton hellhound
- Nature Spirit; you must slay three ghasts
- Heroes’ Quest
- Recipe for Disaster; this is a subquest in the main Sir Amik Varze quest)
- Grim Tales; you will fight the giant Glod, and you must have a 71 Woodcutting level
- Royal Trouble; you must slay a Giant Sea Snake
- Dream Mentor; an 85 Combat level is necessary
- Mourning’s End Part I; a 50 Thieving skill is required
Skill Choice Quests
You can also complete one of many skill choice quests that allow you to select any skill you want to add your experience to after you complete the work. You can add thousands of experience points to your hitpoints level through many of these.
The quests available for use will vary over your skill level. The Darkness of Hallowvale quest is open for skills above 30, while the Taste of Hope quest is for skills above 35.
You may also require various skill minimums to participate in some of these skill choice quests. The Dream Mentor quest requires 85 Combat and 49 Firemaking levels, for example.
Some skill choice quests can also be completed multiple times. You can complete the Sins of the Father quest three times to get 15,000 experience points in hitpoints after each successful try.
Gaining Hitpoints Experience Without Combat
You can train your hitpoints skill without entering combat if you are a skill pure or level 3 skiller. A skill pure can develop non-combat skills. The pure will carry an empty bow and will need to use various abilities to get through different areas. Some of the skills necessary for success include woodcutting, fire making, farming, and smithing.
Players can also use experience lamps that they acquire from genie random events. You can rub the lamp to add experience to a skill of your choosing, including the hitpoints skill.
Pest Control
The Pest Control minigame is one of the best ways to get hitpoints without entering combat. While the game does technically entail some sort of combat, it is a safe approach. You will keep your items even if you die, plus you will respawn on the landing spot and get back in combat right away.
Pest Control is a game where you defeat monsters and the portals where they spawn. You can start if you have a combat level of at least 40, although you can play at a higher difficulty level if you have a greater combat skill.
You’ll earn commendation points based on your performance in this minigame. You can exchange your points for hitpoints experience.
The Pest Control minigame is in the Void Knights’ Outpost.
Question: What can be done if you don’t have a cape that makes it easier for you to get hitpoints XP?
Answer: A Cape of Accomplishment will be useful at this point. It provides a defense bonus, but it doesn’t increase damage. It does make it easier for you to get more experience because you can last longer.
Question: What is the best attack speed for a weapon?
Answer: A weapon should have an attack speed of 4, meaning it has an interval of 2.4 seconds. It helps you produce more damage per second.
Question: Are weapons that help you heal going to be useful for hitpoints training?
Answer: Weapons that heal the player typically don’t produce as much damage, but the fact that they will keep you out there for longer helps. Equipment from Guthan the Infested is a good example. You can get a 25 percent chance to heal based on the damage you deal when wearing Guthan’s equipment, but it will not produce as much damage.
Question: Is a teleportation tablet necessary for hitpoints training?
Answer: It is necessary if you don’t have a high Magic level. You’ll need a tablet if you’re going to fight dangerous monsters. But it doesn’t take as much inventory space as teleportation runes for magic purposes.
Question: Can your bolts be gem-tipped to get more XP?
Answer: Bolt tips can work, although the more expensive tips are more effective. These include the Ruby and Red Topaz bolts.
Question: What are the best places to use a Dwarf Multicannon at?
Answer: A Dwarf Multicannon for training can work in the Wilderness, Edgeville Dungeon, and areas where Rock Crabs are prevalent. Be advised that not all places will accept the Dwarf Multicannon. These include spots like the Abyss and Cerberus’ Lair.
Question: Can Rangers’ Tights be useful as a hitpoints training tool?
Answer: Although Rangers’ Tights can provide a ranged attack bonus, it doesn’t provide a defense bonus.
Question: Are long-ranged shots recommended?
Answer: Longranged shots are best only if you want to train your defense with chinning.
Be sure when building your hitpoints experience that you have a smart plan for what works. You will gain more experience when you have the right materials and you know how to produce the equipment necessary to compete. You will need to engage in combat in most situations, but you’ll have an easier time with it when you see what you should be attacking and what you will use in the effort. It eventually becomes even easier as you gain more hitpoints, helping you survive even the toughest battles on OSRS.
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